Where Confident, Innovative and Smart Future Leaders Grow!

Chalidana Islamic School (CIS) focuses on providing and nurturing a high quality education based on Islamic values and practices, nurturing confident Muslims, innovative citizens and smart leadership skills.

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Vision Statement

Shaping students with noble character, confidence, innovation, creativity, and a spirit of cooperation, rooted in the values of Pancasila and Islamic principles, to navigate the global era with wisdom

Mission Statement

Chalidana Islamic School (CIS) focuses on providing and nurturing high-quality education based on Islamic values and practices. We aim to nurture confident Muslims, innovative citizens, and smart leadership skills to prepare students to face modern challenges and contribute to both local and global societies by: 

  • Promoting excellent Islamic values, learning, and practices, as well as ethics and moral character.
  • Preparing students to become confident individuals and innovative citizens with smart leadership skills.
  • Empowering students to be good Muslims with a strong aqeedah and the ability to contribute to society at large.
  • Creating a nurturing, safe, and respectful environment for our students, parents, teachers, and the school community.

CIS in Numbers






Active Students






School Staff


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our campus

CIS Preschool Menganti

NPSN: 70026644
Akreditasi: A

Puri Safira Regency, Blok C1 No. 01-04, Mojotengah, Kec. Menganti, Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur 61174

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CIS Primary Menganti

NPSN: 70026643
Akreditasi: A

Puri Safira Regency, Blok K3 No. 20, Mojotengah, Kec. Menganti, Kabupaten Gresik, Jawa Timur 61174

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CIS Preschool Juanda

NPSN: 70024270
Akreditasi: A

Safira Juanda Resort, Blok B5 No. 10, Dukuh Tengah Timur, Dukuh Tengah, Buduran, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61252

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CIS Primary Juanda

NPSN: 70031247
Akreditasi: A

Safira Juanda Resort, Blok F3 No. 01, Dukuh Tengah Timur, Dukuh Tengah, Buduran, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61252

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CIS Malang

NPSN: 70048341
NPSN: 70048342
NPSN: 70048321

de Cassablanca Residence, Jl. Perdana Kusuma, Cemorokandang, Kedungkandang, Malang City, East Java 65138

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CIS Testimonial

School Life

Daily activities are designed as a hidden curricular program that runs routinely in order to achieve our set goals of behaviour and instilled values. Complete activities are designed from the beginning until the end of school hours.

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We believe that along with the basic educational requirements, facilities in a school play an important role in enhancing and maintaining top performance levels and a high-spirited learning environment.

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School activities will lead to the all-round development of students and make them achieve their maximum potentials. The activities at Chalidana Islamic School are designed in accordance to school curricula and syllabi which giving students an opportunity to develop their potentials in motivating and enjoyable ways.

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CIS Malang
de Cassablanca Residence
Malang - East Java
CIS Juanda
Safira Juanda Resort
Sidoarjo - East Java
CIS Menganti
Puri Safira Regency
Gresik - East Java

CIS Malang
T: +6282288999191
CIS Juanda
T: +6281211124131
CIS Menganti
T: +6281231113232